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Configuration for Microsoft Teams

You only need to complete the steps in this section if your want to use Microsoft Teams with the GroupWise Video Conferencing Add-on. If you are not going to use Microsoft Teams, then you can skip this section.


You will need a login with Global Administrator privileges to your organisation's Tenant Account account on Azure Active Directory before you can proceed with setting up Microsoft Teams for use with the GroupWise Video Conferencing Add-on. If you do not have access with administrator privileges, you need to contact your Azure Active Directory Tenant Administrator to perform these steps on your behalf else you will not be able to use Microsoft Teams with the Add-on.

The way the Add-on integrates with Microsoft Teams does not require you to have an Exchange Online Mailbox. You will however need to have at least a Microsoft Windows 365 Tenant set up even if there is no Windows 365 license subscriptions assigned to the users. We often find that users are subscribed to the Windows 365 Apps without Exchange Online. It is recommended that user accounts to Windows 365 are synchronised via Microsoft's ADConnect or NetIQ's Identity Manager to the Azure Active Directory platform to simplify user administration.

About MS Teams Calendar

As GroupWise is used for the scheduling of meetings with Microsoft Teams, the calendar in MS Teams will not be available. That calendar is only available if you are using MS Teams with Exchange Online or Exchange On-Premise.


As from 19th April 2023 the free MS Teams Exploratory License will no longer be available for some tenants on Windows 365. If it is no longer available, you need to purchase the MS Teams Essentials subscription to continue to use MS Teams. You do not need to purchase the a full E1, E3 or E5 license to use MS Teams. Before assigning the MS Teams Essentials license to users individually, rather create a security group on Windows 365 and assign the license to the group, and make users that need to use the license members of this group. Also DISABLE the "Exchange Online Kiosk" service on the license.

Steps to Configure

  • Login to your Azure Active Directory Portal with an account that has Global Administration Privileges.
  • Navigate to Azure Active Directory on the left pane.
  • Navigate to Manage | App registrations.
  • Click on New Registration
  • Complete the following on the Register an application page:
Field Details
Name field Specify GWVC as the application name.
Supported account types selection Choose the first option: Accounts in this organizational directory only (Your Organization Name - Single tenant)
Redirect URI field Type http://localhost - this is merely for redirection to the local workstation where the Add-on is installed after the authentication of the user has completed on Azure Active Directory.
  • Click on Register to complete the GWVC app registration and you will see your newly registered app in the list of registered apps.
  • Click on your newly registered app GWVC in the list of apps as you will need to assign permissions to this app.
  • Navigate to Manage | API permissions.
  • Click on Add a permission.
  • Click on the Microsoft Graph option on the Request API permissions page.
  • Make sure that the following permissions are added:
API/Permission Name Type Description Admin consent required
Directory.AccessAsUser.All Delegated Access directory as the signed in user Yes
Directory.Read.All Delegated Read directory data Yes
Directory.ReadWrite.All Delegated Read and write directory data Yes
Group.ReadWrite.All Delegated Read and write all groups Yes
offline_access Delegated Maintain access to data you have given it access to No
openid Delegated Sign users in No
profile Delegated View users' basic profile No
Team.Create Delegated Create teams No
Team.ReadBasic.All Delegated Read the names and descriptions of teams No
TeamMember.Read.All Delegated Read the members of teams Yes
TeamMember.ReadWrite.All Delegated Add and remove members from teams Yes
TeamMember.ReadWriteNonOwnerRole.All Delegated Add and remove members with non-owner role for all teams Yes
User.Read Delegated Sign in and read user profile No
User.Read.All Delegated Read all users' full profiles Yes
User.ReadBasic.All Delegated Read all users' basic profiles No
User.ReadWrite.All Delegated Read and write all users' full profiles Yes
User.ReadWrite Delegated Read and write access to user profile No
  • Once you have added all the permissions click on Grant admin consent for (your tenant name).
  • Click on Overview and copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID. Save this in a safe place as you will require these two items when you configure the GroupWise Video Conferencing Add-on configuration profile.

Next Actions

Once you have configured Microsoft Teams, make sure that you keep your Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID in a safe place as you will need it when you get to the set up of the configuration in the Client Portal.

You can now proceed to configure other Video Conferencing platforms that are in use. If Microsoft Teams is your only platform, you can proceed directly to the Configure Management Portal.